Friday, April 28, 2006

Week 8: Yeats - Meditations

Iconic, enduring images -> marble, bronze, / cf. change and nature - man's effects on the world

"The Tower" - enduring images
- Dilemma between the contem[plative and the active lives [Scholar / Solider]
- Old age - tied to a dog's tail (tin can - dog runs until death - a joke)
- vocabulary - WW-esque - a concious evocation of Whitman - "a humbler worm" - Whitman in a bad moment...
- "bid the muse go pack" - consolation of philosophy, "deal in abstarct things"

In his 60s, feeling his ages.

Battlements - looking over his life, works

"Making of the soul" - Preparation of life for death.

[Yeats as aristocrat of the imagination]