Saturday, March 25, 2006

Cubism + Futurism = Vorticism (give or take a few definitions)

Vorticism diverged from Futurism in the way that it tried to capture movement in an image - in a Vorticist painting modern life is shown as an array of bold lines and harsh colours drawing the viewer's eye into the centre of the canvas.

Pound and Picabia

The Rebel Art Centre - lasted only a few months... its basic artistic ideas evolved into Vorticism (term coined by Pound). Term suggests a spiraling force which should draw the viewer into the work, creating a different kind of dynamism and strong focal point.

Vorticists' journal BLAST - published work by Pound and Eliot, as well as others, including Wyndham Lewis, whose art was on the cover of the first issue.

Vorticism was for Pound the first major experience in revolutionary propagandizing and the first cause that placed him beyond the pale of orthodoxy. Pound saw Vorticism as setting "the arts in their rightful place as the acknowledged guide and lamp of civilization." In this way the arts were welded in a mystical union with politics in the manner already envisaged by Yeats.